Friday, July 25, 2008


I am starting a new quilt from a website called Judy Laquidara Star BOM quilt. It is so pretty! I can hardly wait till August 1 when we get our first directions. I have my fabric picked out.

Here are my quilts

String-X (1st quilt I made) Bargello 2nd quilt Orange Crush

Well, here are the quilts that I have started on. I am kind of shy about posting pictures of my quilts because I am a new quilter and mine can not even compare to some of the beautiful quilts that I have seen online but here goes. I hope in time my quilts will be as good as everyone else.
I found Bonnie's web site ( and I fell in love with her quilts. Everything I know about quilting I learned from her web site. I have bought a few quilting books but I mainly go by Bonnie's tips and info. Bonnies makes everything so easy and she give the best directions. SHOUT OUT to Bonnie!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us!

About Me

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Magnolia, Texas, United States
I am happily married to a wonderful man. I have a great son and daughter-in-law! My husband is retired. I will be retiring January 2012 I am also a SENIOR...Yikes...SENIOR CITIZEN!! There are some good things about being a getting your senior discount. I started using coupons and have saved so much money on my grocery bill! I want to share what I have learned about couponing!